Monday, November 3, 2008

I was out and about yesterday...this weekend was rainy and sunny. Didn't make it to dog meetup because Mom was still not feeling well and neither was I.

This is me...still not wanting to play- (note from Mom: although he did pick up a toy for about a minute or two). Still eating and drinking and running but if I'm not doing that, I'm sleeping.

Note from Mom: I miss Bobo. A week + of this depressed behavior is killing me. :( Usually when I come home from work he's so excited to see me, now...he just stares at me and sighs.


Duke said...

We sure hope you perk up soon, Bobo! Feel better, buddy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Aggie said...

Oh Bobo! I hope you feel better soon.

Sloppy Licks,


ruby and rosco's mom said...

Do you think Bobo is starting to get bummed while you are away at work? Maybe he needs another dog to pep him up, Bostons are really social and sometimes having a buddy gets them out of their funk.

Petra said...

Bobo, I don't like it when you're sad. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you feel better.

Joe Stains said...

Geez buddy we hope you feel better!

The Puppies said...

Hope you get to feeling better Bobo!!! Maybe he needs doggie daycare so he can play with other dogs while you are at work??
THe Puppies