Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is it vacation yet?

Mom's birthday is on the 1st...we're going to the beach for a week! She needs a vacation! Mom took me to the beach a week after she adopted me. I didn't care much but I did like peeing everywhere in the designated dog area.

Mom is super pissed because Booda has "reformulated" the Bimple Bone so that's why she can't find it anywhere. PetsMart sold out of their old stock before she could buy a bunch for me. These are THE only bones I like and that I don't choke on. HELP! The new Bimples are terrible. They're small and I can eat them in about 5 minutes flat!

These bones don't have bad stuff in them and that's why Mom likes me to eat these instead of the other junk food ones.

This is what I look like when I'm mad at Mom for not playing fetch with me:

Mom says it looks like I have a creepy smile in this picture.


Joe Stains said...

sorry you have lost your bone source :( we like anything by nylabone edibles.

Petra said...

Happy birthday to your mom on the 1st, and I hope you have a great time at the beach.

I like to hang my head out of the bed when I sleep, just like you, Bobo!

Mack said...

We haven't been to the beach yet but I really wanna go. Happy early birthday to your momma.
Sorry about the Nylabones changing.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

That's the pits you can't get your favorite bones anymore...Why can't they just leave well enough alone...
Ozzie & Rocky

Lacy said...

w00f's Bobo, nice to meeted u. me iz rocky and me iz 2 years old...can we b friends? Joey and tanner sendid me to say woofies to u...

b safe,